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Power Line - July 2021
- THE FUTURE IS BRIGHT - The technology that has changed the industry, between sustainability and new perspectives.
- WELCOME TO THE PLUS - Top performance and doubling productivity at Laserlam with Laser Genius+
- CHALLENGING TIMES DEMAND BOLD DECISIONS - Relicomp makes a strong investment for quality and product consistency
- A LASER GENIUS TRIFECTA FOR METAL SERVICE CENTER CHAIN, BOYD METALS - The Laser Genius with Compact Server comes with versatility and huge potential
- OPEN EXPERIENCE - Technology comes back live
- 30+ YEARS OF EXPERIENCE AND STILL GROWING - Thanks to the LASERDYNE® 430 with Beamdirector®
- ALWAYS BY YOUR SIDE - Service corner
Power Line - December 2020
- The importance of speaking the same language
- The Italian company Astra and Prima Power share the same approach in their work
- Laser Automation is a matter of Teamwork
- Prima Power DABA and API Systems: precision is the keyword
- Prima Additive 150 Family: a new, connected metal additive manufacturing product family
- Halton's Kausala factory and the Prima Power team show how connections enable growth
- The new Shear Genius EVO: The Heart of the System
- Flexibility is the power of giant: Prima Power PSBB at Himoinsa
- Four teammates for the loading automation: the automation offer for the EBe
- Let's get phygital: how we transformed our events
- Facing adversity and winning: ELM Machining success story with Prima Power equipment
- Machine data monitor for 3D Laser Machines
Power Line - July 2020
- Something genuinely great is happening that will profoundly change the industrial world and the lives of each of us.
- Get on the train for innovation: Lasertech Metal Works
- Near or far? It doesn't matter, we are always @home
- Vision: an all-human drive towards evolution
- Become an additive thinker: it's time to improve your skills with Open Additive
- Heavy metal and Silicon Valley: Prima Power enhances Job Shop profitability in the land of innovation
- Continual progress is a state of mind: the new Prima Power Laserdyne facility
- Generation 811: Discover LASERDYNE 811, the next generation in laser processing systems
- Dreams are made of smart pieces: happy birthday Systems! From 30 years serving customers' needs
- Always connected: how Prima Power digital services take care of you
- Old and new are the best future: welcome to digital tailoring
- Software corner: Master BendCam
Power Line - December 2019
- Management Corner - E.Basso (Prima Power CEO)
- Laser Next Enhances Diversity at Diversified Tooling Group
- Italian Food Processing Equipment Giant Rides the Night Train to Higher Productivity
- New Generation of Additive Manufacturing Systems
- BCe Smart Meets the Challenge
- Combi Lasers: 30 Years of Experience
- Blechexpo: Prima is Here
- FABTECH 2019
- MWCS 2019
- New Product: eP Genius 1030
- Fracking Industry & Platino Fiber Laser
- The Added Value of Automation
- LASERDYNE 430 Systems: Fiber Laser Welding
Power Line – July 2019
- Prima Power Targeted Industrial Sector Events
- Prima Power Opens New Manufacturing Plant in Seinäjoki, Finland
- Automation & Cooperation... Building Blocks for the Future
- Prima Power Sponsored System Tour 2019
- Metal Spinner Job Shop Embraces Laser Next
- Management Corner: Simplify Complexity
- Platino Fiber Laser Illuminates Lighting Manufacturer
- New Product: Laser Genius with 10 kW Fiber Laser
- New Product: Combi Sharp, Punching & Laser Cutting at Affordable Price
- Automation at a Competitive Edge
- Trade Shows & Open Houses
- BCe Bender & Shear Brilliance at Canadian Manufacturer
- Smart Bending Investment for UK Manufacturer
- Piercing with the 2D & 3D Fiber Lasers
Power Line - December 2018
- Management Corner - E.Basso (Prima Power CEO)
- Prima Power Targeted Industrial Sector Events
- Prima Power Opens New Manufacturing Plant in Seinäjoki, Finland
- Automation & Cooperation: Building Blocks for the Future
- Prima Power Sponsored System Tour 2019
- Metal Spinner Job Shop Embraces Laser Next
- Management Corner: Simplify Complexity
- Platino Fiber Laser Illuminates Lighting Manufacturer
- New Product: Laser Genius with 10 kW Fiber Laser
- New Product: Combi Sharp, Punching & Laser Cutting at Affordable Price
- Automation at a Competitive Edge
- Trade Shows & Open Houses
- BCe Bender & Shear Brilliance at Canadian Manufacturer
- Smart Bending Investment for UK Manufacturer
- Piercing with the 2D & 3D Fiber Lasers