Zjistěte, jak mohou naše dynamická řešení zvýšit úroveň vašeho výrobního procesu.
Zjistěte, jak mohou naše dynamická řešení zvýšit úroveň vašeho výrobního procesu.
Zvyšte svou všestrannost s našimi automatizovanými víceúčelovými systémy
Zvyšte svou produktivitu díky rychlosti našich flexibilních řešení
Bez ohledu na velikost a odvětví Vaší výroby Vám Prima Power nabízí vysoce výkonné stroje a cílená automatizovaná řešení pro zvýšení produktivity ve zpracování plechu. Naši nabídku stavíme na celé řadě modulárních technologií, přičemž se zaměřujeme na potřeby jednotlivých zákazníků a využíváme své jedinečné schopnosti integrovat naše řešení do kvalitnějších výrobních procesů.
The leading German manufacturer optimized its processes and achieved higher flexibility thanks to Prima Power's fully automated and integrated PSBB line.
From the introduction of laser technology, one of the first Platino machines marketed by Prima Power, to the recent challenge of the BCe 2720 automatic panel bender: the collaboration between the Milan-based contractor Resteghini and Prima Power is one of the fundamental elements of the success of this company, now in its fourth generation, capable of completing its evolution in a 4.0 perspective and continuing its process of development and innovation.
Lojer Oy is the largest manufacturer of hospital and healthcare furniture in the Nordic countries. The company operates three factories in Finland in Sastamala, Hollola and Kempele, with the Sastamala factory serving as a central unit.
As one of the largest producers of heat pumps and chillers, Clivet has chosen Prima Power’s servo-electric technology to modernise its sheet metal processing plant with highly automated solutions that are fully Industry 4.0 integrated. The PSBB line represents the heart of the department, managing the entire production process with stations for punching, shearing, buffering and bending.
C & I Enclosures manufactures electrical enclosures for a variety of commercial and industrial applications.
Sometimes size matters. Both in terms of business growth, as well as the methods and machinery used to facilitate success especially as the size (dimensions) of your parts get bigger for new applications. As businesses grow, they also must increasingly rely on strategic partnerships with key customers and suppliers, adopt new technologies and processes, take calculated risks including acquisitions and continually become more efficient.
Pipemodul Oy, a Finnish family business producing prefabricated pipeline and cable boxes, chose Prima Power’s servo-electric press brake, enhancing its commitment to responsible manufacturing practices.
American company leverages Prima Power for streamlined process integration.
Expertiza v oblasti integrace
Přístup zaměřený na potřeby zákazníka
Vysokorychlostní flexibilní řešení
Náš přístup k udržitelnému rozvoji: snížení našeho dopadu na planetu má také ekonomické efekty.
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© PRIMA INDUSTRIE S.p.A., single-member company | Via Torino-Pianezza, 36 - 10093 COLLEGNO (TO) ITALIA | Share Capital €26.208.185 | VAT 03736080015 - C.C.I.A.A. Torino 582421 | Reg. Impr. Torino n. 03736080015