Libellula.CUT Prima Edition

Optimised for Prima Power 2D laser machines, perfect for any 2D laser machine.
Precise and error-free nesting
Optimal management of material
100% automation for precise and perfect nesting in a few steps
Libellula.CUT Prima Edition is a CAD/CAM application from the Libellula suite for Prima Power 2D laser cutting machines.
Thanks to its integrated CAD and exclusive One-Click technology by Libellula, Libellula.CUT can quickly create or import geometric details from any other design platform. The software automatically optimizes profiles and prepares them for subsequent processing. It has a fast learning curve.
Full automatization is available at every step of the programming process, since the system is completely open to integration with customer applications, such as CAD, ERP, and other CAD/CAM modules.
mod.NEXTING includes nesting optimization with the [ISA] system to reduce waste: it generates optimized nesting even on irregular scraps, reducing the number of piercings, and optimizing cutting conditions.
mod.ORDER provides essential support during the programming and management of nesting operations, allowing the operator to have a complete and up-to-date overview of the production or design of parts in real-time.
mod.STORAGE is the integrated module for managing sheet metal warehouse and processing waste, providing real-time detailed information on the inventory and its economic value.
This module integrates the management of the sheet metal warehouse and processing scraps, providing real-time information on the warehouse's detailed status and economic value. By using multiple search parameters, the module allows for a breakdown of warehouse values by material, characteristics, or intended use.

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