Zautomatyzowane linie produkcyjne

Zwiększ swoją produktywność dzięki naszym skalowalnym, zautomatyzowanym rozwiązaniom
- W 100% zintegrowane oprogramowanie i maszyny produkcyjne do zautomatyzowanej produkcji 24/7, do produkcji zestawów, partii i produkcji masowej.
- Skalowalne rozwiązania, które wspierają rozwój i zmieniające się wymagania w czasie dzięki wewnętrznie zaprojektowanym i wyprodukowanym systemom.
- 4-krotne zwiększenie produktywnośc(1) i dzięki zintegrowanym procesom i ograniczeniu ręcznych operacji o niskiej wartości dodanej.
(1) W porównaniu z konwencjonalną produkcją osobnych komórek, na podstawie naszej wewnętrznej analizy danych.
Lights-out production capacity with outstanding flexibility
Elastyczny System Produkcyjny FMS
Od idealnie do wymiaru dociętego materiału do giętych na gotowo komponentów
Rodzina produktów
Dowiedz się, w jaki sposób technologia Elastycznych Systemów Produkcyjnych Prima Power przyczyniła się do sukcesu firmy
Deluxe sheet metal processing
The construction phase of the new Biohort manufacturing site in Herzogsdorf (Upper Austria) lasted just over a year. With cutting-edge industry standards and optimised process cycles, the specialist for storage space solutions created new resources for further growth with new Plant 2, an addition to its Neufelden headquarters.
Vision: that all-human drive towards evolution
Discover Brink and Prima Power partnership, a success story made of human connections.
Order and efficiency drive productivity, from first cut to finished product
Astra was founded just short of thirty years ago as the result of an innovative instinct which proved successful in just a few years: that stainless steel would become the technological material of the future.
Automation as a Competitive Edge
Thanks to integrating a Prima Power fully-automatic laser cutting system, consisting of a 6 kW Platino Fiber 2.0 laser cutting machine, along with a Night Train automated warehouse, Carpenteria Metallica Depedri has been able to increase productivity by 30%.
New investments create productivity at Halton’s Kausala factory
Halton Group is the world's leading provider of indoor air solutions. Indoor air solutions are divided into four segments: Marine, Health, Foodservice, and Buildings
Prima Power PSBB Helps Power Generation Giant Build Flexible Manufacturing System
Headquartered in Spain, with 8 production centers, 13 subsidiaries worldwide, and a global network made up of 1,000 employees who work closely with more than 130 distributors around the world, HIMOINSA, part of the Yanmar Group, is one of the top global giants that designs, manufactures and distributes power generation equipment.
A look at the technology behind turnkey organic poultry plants
SKA srl manufactures poultry systems for organic free-range farming with high levels of product customisation by taking advantage of innovative Prima Power technology.
Steelcomp invests in a new factory with advanced automation
Steelcomp Oy will continue its strong production development work in its operations in Kauhava, Finland. With a newly completed plant extending over more than 5,000 square meters and extensive investments in Prima Power production automation, the company is on the road to strong growth for years to come.