Wsparcie techniczne

Zawsze przy Tobie
Zapewniamy Ci międzynarodowy personel serwisowy składający się z wykwalifikowanych techników z doświadczeniem we wszystkich technologiach. W celu szczegółowej analizy technicznej maszynę można także zdalnie połączyć z naszym wsparciem technicznym dzięki usłudze teleserwisu, aby przeprowadzić pełną i skuteczną diagnozę i często natychmiast znaleźć rozwiązanie.
Dzięki naszemu ogólnoświatowemu wsparciu technicznemu pomożemy Ci gdziekolwiek jesteś. Nasza ogólnoświatowa sieć serwisowa składa się z prawie 80 oddziałów i dealerów, którzy działają w różnych obszarach i zapewniają wsparcie techniczne, szkolenia, interwencje serwisowe i części zamienne.
Wsparcie techniczne Prima Power opiera się na wspólnym celu z klientem: uruchomieniu, utrzymaniu i rozwijaniu zdolności produkcyjnych oraz zapewnieniu ich pełnego wykorzystania.
Wsparcie zdalne i przez telefon
Szybki i profesjonalny, nasz zespół techników, posiadający wiedzę we wszystkich technologiach i odpowiadających im aplikacjach, jest zawsze gotowy do szybkiego i odpowiedniego wsparcia klienta; ponadto dzięki zdalnemu połączeniu wszystkie krytyczne problemy mogą być sprawnie załatwiane.
Gdziekolwiek znajduje się klient, jedno z naszych 40 centrów serwisowych jest do jego dyspozycji, aby spełnić wszystkie jego potrzeby.
Twoja satysfakcja to nasz cel.
Zadowolenie klienta jest naszym celem.
It is possible to download the software for remote support at the following links
Wizyty serwisantów
Jeśli potrzebujesz wymienić część maszyny, wkrótce technik serwisu pojawi się w Twoim zakładzie, aby wznowić produkcję Twojej maszyny.
Naszym celem jest bezpośrednie i szybkie wykonanie prac serwisowych, aby zmaksymalizować czas pracy maszyny i wydajność produkcyjną.
Ponad 500 pracowników obsługi posprzedażowej w każdej części świata
Tech support escalation/Specjalistyczny zespół wsparcia technicznego / Wzmocniony zespół wsparcia technicznego w zakładzie
Dla niezwykle złożonych przypadków Prima Power ustanowiła „wzmożenie pomocy technicznej”, która natychmiast zaangażuje najbardziej wykwalifikowany zespół w osiągnięcie najlepszego rozwiązania w najkrótszym możliwym czasie.
Specjalistyczne zespoły inżynierów:
- Zespół ds. maszyn laserowych 2D
- Zespół ds. maszyn laserowych 3D
- Zespół ds. kombinowanych maszyn laserowych
- Zespół ds. wykrawarek i gilotyn do cięcia
- Zespół ds. giętarek do blachy
- Zespół ds. pras krawędziowych
- Zespół ds. systemów i automatyki
- Zespół ds. źródeł laserowych
- Zespół ds. oprogramowania i CAD CAM
- Zespół ds. zastosowań
Dowiedz się, w jaki dział Wsparcia Technicznego Prima Power przyczynił się do sukcesu firmy.
50-year-old Piristeel invests in strong growth
Piristeel is Finland’s leading rainwater system and roof safety product manufacturer, especially known for its Pisko brand. The company celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2024
SPE instaluje najnowocześniejsze centrum gnące Prima Power BCe 2720
Ogólnie rzecz biorąc, produkcja nie jest tym, co wielu uznałoby za efektowny proces, ale gięcie za pomocą centrum gnącego Prima Power BCe 2720 jest czymś, co warto zobaczyć. Obserwowanie tego półautomatycznego centrum gnącego wykonującego swoje zadanie precyzyjnego gięcia jest trochę jak oglądanie poezji w ruchu.
Vola - ponadczasowy skandynawski design uzupełniony zaawansowanym spawaniem laserowym
Architekci i projektanci wnętrz na całym świecie uznają VOLA za prawdziwy znak jakości, oryginał, a nie imitację. Badamy procesy, które łączą eleganckie rzemiosło z wysoką precyzją LASERDYNE 811.
Guida Srl - Zwiększenie produkcji dzięki technologii cięcia laserowego 2D
Włoska firma rodzinna zwiększa wydajność dzięki współpracy z Prima Power: doświadczenie Guida Srl
Technoblech - Ewolucja dzięki połączonym rozwiązaniom do cięcia
Transformacyjna siła innowacji i przywództwa w branży blacharskiej
Chiński lider branży współpracuje z prima power, aby wykuć nową przyszłość w inteligentnym przechowywaniu i dostarczaniu towarów.
Systemair - 30-letnie partnerstwo owocujące wyjątkowymi kamieniami milowymi w produkcji
Shear Genius lider w branży wentylacji dzięki podejściu do automatyzacji
Chasestead - Cutting-edge investments to make production more efficient
Chasestead's latest acquisition in Fiber laser technology hits the mark
Zhixin - Revving up growth in the automotive industry
Zhixin’s expansion boost with 35 Prima Power’s laser-cutting machines.
Cadrex - Combining technologies to evolve capabilities
American company leverages Prima Power for streamlined process integration.
Dringenberg - Boosting production capacity through automation and integration
The leading German manufacturer optimized its processes and achieved higher flexibility thanks to Prima Power's fully automated and integrated PSBB line.
Resteghini - Growing together through innovation
From the introduction of laser technology, one of the first Platino machines marketed by Prima Power, to the recent challenge of the BCe 2720 automatic panel bender: the collaboration between the Milan-based contractor Resteghini and Prima Power is one of the fundamental elements of the success of this company, now in its fourth generation, capable of completing its evolution in a 4.0 perspective and continuing its process of development and innovation.
Long-term partner collaboration - Lojer Oy
Lojer Oy is the largest manufacturer of hospital and healthcare furniture in the Nordic countries. The company operates three factories in Finland in Sastamala, Hollola and Kempele, with the Sastamala factory serving as a central unit.
Glenn Metalcraft, going Big on 3D Fiber Laser: A Perfect Fit for Heavy-Gauge Metal Spinner
Sometimes size matters. Both in terms of business growth, as well as the methods and machinery used to facilitate success especially as the size (dimensions) of your parts get bigger for new applications. As businesses grow, they also must increasingly rely on strategic partnerships with key customers and suppliers, adopt new technologies and processes, take calculated risks including acquisitions and continually become more efficient.
C & I Enclosures - Punch-Shear Combo Pushes Productivity Sky High
At electrical-enclosure manufacturer C & I Enclosures, which sought a new state-of- the-art machine able to transform parts through
to final production stages without the need for secondary operations, avoiding costly material handling between sheet loading, punching
and shearing, and part sorting and unloading.
Pipemodul Oy, strengthening business values through technology
Pipemodul Oy, a Finnish family business producing prefabricated pipeline and cable boxes, chose Prima Power’s servo-electric press brake, enhancing its commitment to responsible manufacturing practices.
Metaltecnica, Italian passion for the catering industry worldwide
Metaltecnica manufactures equipment designed to maximize efficiency and reduce energy consumption, while also boosting performance to enable maximum hygiene in kitchens around the world. This wide range of solutions is divided into six product categories and includes a number of high-performance Prima Power plants in their manufacture.
Bierkühl Oy and their Laser Genius+
Bierkühl Oy, a beverage equipment manufacturer from Mikkeli, is known for its innovative Finnish expertise and quality. The customers include leading operators and breweries in the beverage industry. The company is also a contract manufacturer for machines intended for cleaning ventilation ducts and dust-free renovation work under its own Bos® Cleantec brand.
Cooperation, competence and strong machinery base - Mittametalli Oy
The roots of Mittametalli Oy, founded in 2012, go back more than forty years, when the company's main Owner and Director Jari Kolehmainen, started working at his father's company Lankapaja.
DAV, Innovators by tradition
Industry 4.0 before the definition even existed and always oriented towards investing in new technologies, the DAV metalworks company in Rho has decided to focus on a highly automated Combi Genius 1530 laser and punching machine from Prima Power to increase production efficiency and expand the range of machining operations that can be performed directly on the machine.
Raytec, always with an eye toward automation
Raytec LLC, a fourth-generation Pennsylvania family business, has experienced rapid expansion by investing in Prima Power equipment and turning their operation from completely manual to fully automated.
Laitila Components and Coating invests in a combi machine
Managing Director Kai Salo and Production Director Petri Kallio from Laitila Coating Oy visited the Seinäjoki factory at the end of April 2020. The program included the handover of the Combi Sharp 1225 machine from the latest Prima Power investment, as well as the connected Compact Express automation device, and customer-specific test runs.
Uudenmaan Ohutlevy, the desire to grow and develop prompted investment
Uudenmaan Ohutlevy Oy, based in Kerava, Finland, manufactures sheet metal components and assemblies for machinery and equipment manufacturers in various industries. The vast majority of production is individual components, as well as various configurations, but also welded assemblies. The greatest volume of outgoing goods is products that are cut, edged, tapped and otherwise harnessed with different fasteners.
The global aiot innovator invests in state-of-the-art equipment to produce high value-added products
SUNSEA AIOT Technology’s subsidiary in Zhuhai pioneers smart factory innovation with cutting-edge machinery. The world-class factory serves both domestic and international markets.
Control Express Finland, The new combination machine brought quality and certainty
Established nearly 30 years ago, Control Express Finland Oy, or CEF, started its operations with IT related projects and the import of industrial electronics.
Rappo, New technologies, old partners. The value of great customer care
At Prima Power, we strive to build long-lasting business relationships based on mutual trust and respect. But don’t take our word for it: our customer Rappo, whom we’ve worked with for 25 years, shares his point of view.
Challenging times demand bold decisions, Relicomp
Relicomp makes a strong investment for quality and product consistency.
“We find that Prima Power’s machines have brought the fastest return on these investments”
De Wave, Efficiency and productivity take hold
They ply the seas across the world, hosting anywhere from a few dozen to a few thousand people. we’re talking about the cruise ships, large yachts and river boats for which the De Wave group produces various types of on-board furnishings and fittings, all created using integrated technologies of a high-performance automatic line by Prima Power
Paramount Components
Job shop powers through bending bottlenecks
Paramount Components employs semi-automatic panel bender to manage time, talent crunch
Clivet, going servo-electric for growth
As one of the largest producers of heat pumps and chillers, Clivet has chosen Prima Power’s servo-electric technology to modernise its sheet metal processing plant with highly automated solutions that are fully Industry 4.0 integrated. The PSBB line represents the heart of the department, managing the entire production process with stations for punching, shearing, buffering and bending.
JST Power Equipment, having the right facilities to say ‘yes’ to clients is priceless.
Switchgear lineups are engineered-to-order products with a lot of variation among jobs, including fabricated sheet metal parts. Enabling the new JST Power Equipment switchgear-manufacturing plant to excel at taking on low-volume production: an automated punch-shear combination machine.
Vacuum Technology Inc., High-Tech manufacturer chooses Platino Fiber Laser
Laser cutting addition speeds production for a Tennessee supplier of gas-leak-testing technology while freeing waterjet cutting machines for other work. It’s an all-around win for Vacuum Technology Inc.
Scott Springfield Mfg, a compact solution for customer success
Scott Springfield Sfg, inc. in Calgary, Canada, is a leading supplier of custom air handling systems, utilizing the latest technologies to provide its customers with a flexible solution to their air handler needs.
Gi.Metal, ready for a batch of productivity
If Italian cuisine is one of the most famous and renowned in the world, then this is definitely thanks to chefs who have exported the recipe, but those who produce kitchen utensils also play a very important role. Such is the case for Gi.Metal, who specialises in the manufacture of pizzeria equipment, which use prima power lasers in the cutting process.
Rizzato SpA, modular technology and automation to stay one step ahead
Rizzato S.p.A., an Italian leader in subcontracting for the processing of stainless steel and other materials for semi-finished and finished products, is in constant evolution for excellence. At the base of its growth, a strong entrepreneurial spirit and a continuous commitment to always be at the forefront of production technologies and automation. The farsighted choice of a modular automatic storage solution has kept the company one step ahead for over 20 years, adapting to growing production needs.
Stremet Oy and and the future in growth and partnerships
Stremet oy is a finnish sub-contracting company based in Salo, south-western Finland, with over 25 years of solid experience in its field.
Schulthess Maschinen - The power of three
The eco-efficient cell with panel bender, press brake and industrial robot.
Most organizations today claim sustainability is one of their core values, yet it is not so common to find companies that are able to set better standards for environmental protection with their products. Schulthess Maschinen AG is one of these few game changers, thanks to its exceptionally energy-efficient washing machines and dryers.
Steelcomp invests in a new factory with advanced automation
Steelcomp Oy will continue its strong production development work in its operations in Kauhava, Finland. With a newly completed plant extending over more than 5,000 square meters and extensive investments in Prima Power production automation, the company is on the road to strong growth for years to come.
Why a metal fabricator jumped into panel bending
FlexMet continues to change its manufacturing focus, now with a new bending tool. A new product focus and a desire to automate bending are just two of the reasons that FlexMet, Franklin, Tenn., operates a panel bending machine instead of relying on more press brakes for its bending needs.
Precision fabrication and prototype evolution with Prima Power 3D fiber lasers
From humble beginnings to top supplier of precision metal fabrication, prototype manufacturing, and short-run production for Tier 1 suppliers and OEMs in the Midwest: Duggan Manufacturing looks back on 20 years of hard work, smart investments, and great customer service, with Prima Power at its side.
Punch-Shear Combo – A Labor Saver
Shear and punch fabrication of sheetmetal parts at custom door manufacturer LaForce, Inc. more than triples thanks to implementation of a new servo-electric punch-shear combination machine.
Laser Genius: a smart buy for Midwest Job Shop
For the past five years, R & M Manufacturing has faced an interesting challenge. The company has experienced a strong growth cycle, and projections are even stronger for the future with such customer industries as electrical, power generation, solar, air purification, HVAC, home & building, etc.
Top performance
With over a decade of experience in laser cutting and sheet metal bending, Laserlam constantly looks to new solutions to increase its productivity, such as Prima Power’s new 2D Laser Genius+.
The irreplaceable value of customer care
As a leader in the Chinese high-tech market and beyond, CHINT needs the most flexible, integrated, and powerful equipment to meet the requirements of an increasingly competitive market. The company’s ability to recognize emerging trends and keep up with innovation has allowed it to make the right investments for business success and almost 30 years of growth in a technology-driven field.
A perfect combination for the medical sector
Aluminum and stainless steel are the materials used by Alvi to produce trolleys for the hospital, laundry, retirement home, hotel, industrial and textile sectors.
Automatic cutting, storing, and sorting, with 850 million combinations
Specialising in manufacturing components and accessories for HVAC systems, Tecno-Ventil internally manages the entire production chain: assembled products created from 15,000 primary parts, are combined to create innovative, intelligent, and stylish solutions. A process where the sheet metal department makes the most of a high-performance, continuously running Prima Power system consisting of a fiber laser cutting machine, a storage unit, and an automatic parts sorting system.
Increase flexibility, productivity and savings at the same time
Lankapaja Corporation is one of the biggest and best-known sheet metal subcontractors in Finland, and manufactures a wide range of products such as store furniture, trolleys, steel components, chair and table frames, and racks. The company started as a lampshade manufacturer as far back as 1935, but its capacity and reputation today allow it to deliver comprehensive solutions for shop furnishing or logistics systems for laundries and hotels, for example.
Silicon Valley Job Shop Achieves Success with Prima Power Machines
Since A & J Precision Sheetmetal Inc., San Jose, CA, first opened its doors in 1995, the company has earned a stellar reputation as a leading job shop producing high-quality precision parts in the demanding Silicon Valley.
Order and efficiency drive productivity, from first cut to finished product
Astra was founded just short of thirty years ago as the result of an innovative instinct which proved successful in just a few years: that stainless steel would become the technological material of the future.
Flexibility and precision in the manufacture of custom rack cabinets
After having chosen Prima Power as the supplier of the company's very first laser cutting machine, ATP decided to continue focusing on the quality and technology of the Italian manufacturer by also investing in a servo-electric bending machine
Deluxe sheet metal processing
The construction phase of the new Biohort manufacturing site in Herzogsdorf (Upper Austria) lasted just over a year. With cutting-edge industry standards and optimised process cycles, the specialist for storage space solutions created new resources for further growth with new Plant 2, an addition to its Neufelden headquarters.
Automation as a Competitive Edge
Thanks to integrating a Prima Power fully-automatic laser cutting system, consisting of a 6 kW Platino Fiber 2.0 laser cutting machine, along with a Night Train automated warehouse, Carpenteria Metallica Depedri has been able to increase productivity by 30%.
Vision: that all-human drive towards evolution
Discover Brink and Prima Power partnership, a success story made of human connections.
A look at the technology behind turnkey organic poultry plants
SKA srl manufactures poultry systems for organic free-range farming with high levels of product customisation by taking advantage of innovative Prima Power technology.
Advanced Lasers Meet Diverse Needs of Tooling Group - Diversified Tooling
Advanced laser technology has been instrumental in making the four affiliated companies of the Diversified Tooling Group, Madison Heights, Mich., into a leading supplier of single-source manufacturing solutions to the automotive, heavy truck, defense, industrial equipment, power generation, rail, and foundry i
Future fit with the punch laser machine
Eisenwerk Wittigsthal GmbH invests in a punch-laser system so as to be ready for the digital future.
Prima Power EBe Express Bender Increases Productivity & Quality at Georgia Job Shop
When Randy Williams opened his job shop, he was already a seasoned fabricator. “I grew up with metal fabrication,” explains Williams. “My dad was an aerospace engineer who built trampolines part-time when I was 10 years old, and I helped build parts in the basement. His business evolved into making ferris wheels and other portable amusement rides, but eventually the liability insurance became too challenging for the small company.”
Facing Adversity and Winning with Prima Power Equipment
How many job shops could lose a customer that accounted for 98% of their business and recover in just a few years? Elm Machining was faced with that scenario several years ago.
30+ Years of experience and still growing
Lasercraft USA Knows 5-Axis Laser Cutting Backed By 30 Years Experience And The Latest Technology -- Success Grows Using A Newly Acquired LASERDYNE® 430 With BeamDirector®
Snow- and ice-free roads even faster now
After about thirty years, Giletta, a company that is part of the Bucher Municipal group, a landmark in the production and sale of snow removal machines and equipment, decided to bring the steelwork department back in-house by installing a new fiber laser cutting system and a servo-electric press brake both by Prima Power.
Prima Power PSBB Helps Power Generation Giant Build Flexible Manufacturing System
Headquartered in Spain, with 8 production centers, 13 subsidiaries worldwide, and a global network made up of 1,000 employees who work closely with more than 130 distributors around the world, HIMOINSA, part of the Yanmar Group, is one of the top global giants that designs, manufactures and distributes power generation equipment.
New investments create productivity at Halton’s Kausala factory
Halton Group is the world's leading provider of indoor air solutions. Indoor air solutions are divided into four segments: Marine, Health, Foodservice, and Buildings