ThreeDEditor, the 3D graphic editor of a partprogram, made for Prima Industrie 3D Laser machines.
It displays, starting from a machine part-program, the working paths, and allows changes and the simulation of the part-program and it generates a new part-program with the applied changes.
The ThreeDEditor runs at machine’s console of the 3DLaser Prima Power machine.
The editing operations with dedicated panel are applied to an instruction or to a set of instructions of the program list
Editing the technology
Selection of other set of parameter or other piercing type.
Editing the geometry macros
Editing of the typical parameters of the macro (ex. radius of a hole, number sides of a polygon, etc…).
The display of the geometry is updated at each change: the original shape and the changed are displayed at the same time.
Editing the working path
- to delete one or more instructions
- to change the position of axes A and/or B of the head in a single movement or in a group of instructions.
Working Path simulation
To simulate the changed part-program before possible saving
An integrated and pragmatic committment.
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