Tulus Laser

H.M.I. for 2D laser machines
Machine and Laser control
Pallet change management
OnLine Corrector
New Best Piercing technology
Tulus® Laser 2D is a machine user interface for the 2D Laser machines. Its simple, yet informative views provide intuitive controls of machine operation, tools, machining order and sorting of the finished parts. Tulus® Laser 2D provides great flexibility with minimum setup times.
Task List
Tulus® Laser 2D Task List sets the machine working sequence
The Task List shows all the automatic and manual production run tasks. The Task list shows all the machine tasks basic data about the machine task.
Operator is clearly warned about different task meaning, within the task list, by different color.
Equipment status
Equipment status show information on the machine and on the
devices that may be connected for machine testing and diagnostics.
The Pallet Change management
Working Area and Loading Area and the new manual area (third pallet option) are easily and safely managed within the “Pallet” TAB page. This page graphically represents the machine situation. The Operator can also check the log event list where all machine operations are listed, while the Pallet Change is working.
OPC is an assisted procedure for checking and centring the lens with respect to the laser axis.
This procedure allows the lens to be quickly and efficiently centred.
A simple and easy page where utilities programs already existent can be used and new programs, for utilities reasons , can be added.
OnLine Corrector
The OnLine Corrector gives the possibility to change online the techno laser parameters of the currently selected laser tool.
Laser Parameters Management
The operator, according to the assigned rights, can enter the techno laser parameter DB and make operations like: change values, compare parameters tables, copy, paste and also delete.
New Best Piercing technology
No need to choose piercing at Cam level
New algorithms, at CNC level, working according to material + thickness/profile dimensions: autoadapted process

Take a look at the other products and choose the best solution
Tulus Cell
Integrated and scalable software family for centralized management of fabrication.
The operator interface that allows managing the system and the part programs during the production phase.
Tulus Visual Monitoring
Web-based application for machine operators that brings information transparency on the current manufacturing line status
OPTIA grants an extraordinary simplifying of sheet scraps recovery process.
2D Editor
A precise and efficient cutting depends on a correct post-processor.
Tulus Storage